PNG To FITS Converter

Convert your png and fits files today online for free with no restrictions

Portable Network Graphic

A PNG file is an image saved in the Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format, commonly used to store web graphics, digital photographs, and images with transparent backgrounds. It is a raster graphic similar to a .JPG image but is compressed with lossless compression and supports transparency.

Flexible Image Transport System File

Bitmap graphic created in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format, which was originally specified by the International Astronomical Union (IAU); may contain both binary data and ASCII text; used as a standard format for storing astronomical data.

Unlimited Conversions

Need to convert allot of files no problem you can convert as many PNG files to FITS as you want without limitation.

No File Size Limit

There are no file size restrictions so you can convert as large PNG file to FITS as you desire.

Step 1

Drag and drop or select as many files as you want

Step 2

Hit the "Process All" button and wait for the images to be converted

Step 3

Hit the "Download All" button and your all done

Supported Conversions