XV To SGI Converter

Convert your xv and sgi files today online for free with no restrictions

Khoros Visualization image

This is an image format that is used for visualization in the Khoros software suite. It is a kind of VIFF bitmap image. The format consists of color zones. It is used for visualization purposes in software for both commercial and scientific purposes.

Silicon Graphics Image File

Image saved in the native graphics format used by Silicon Graphics workstations; can store 8 to 32 bits per pixel; also supports Run-length encoding (RLE) compression for reducing the image file size.

Unlimited Conversions

Need to convert allot of files no problem you can convert as many XV files to SGI as you want without limitation.

No File Size Limit

There are no file size restrictions so you can convert as large XV file to SGI as you desire.

Step 1

Drag and drop or select as many files as you want

Step 2

Hit the "Process All" button and wait for the images to be converted

Step 3

Hit the "Download All" button and your all done

Supported Conversions